ACM Roles:

Co Chair - ITiCSE 2022 (ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer ScienceEducation (ITiCSE ’22) UCD, Dublin, Ireland, ITiCSE 2022

Working Group co-chair (2021 and 2022) ITiCSE (ACM Conference on Innovationand Technology in Computer Science Education) Conference series, ITiCSE

Co Chair - UKICER 2022 (The United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research conference) TU Dublin, Ireland. UKICER

Supporter Liaison: ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE

Vice Chair: Ireland ACM SIGCSE Chapter SIGCSEire

Associate Program Chair (APC): ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE (2019, 2020)

Associate Program Chair (APC): SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2021)

Reviewer: ACM Transactions on Computing Education Journal (TOCE)

Reviewer: KOLI Calling, International Conference on Computing Educa-tion Research (2020)

Reviewer: ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2019, 2020)

Reviewer: ACM Global Computing Education Conference (2019)

Reviewer: UKICER, ACM The UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (2019, 2020)

Member of the EU Commission expert group on AI and data in education and training Commission expert group details

Best Presentation: ACM, at the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling ’18) ACM, Koli, Finland, 2018.
with: Second Level Computer Science: The Irish K-12 Journey Begins

Shortlisted for Irish Education Awards - Best Outreach Programme with CSinc Irish Education Awards

Steering Committee: UKICER, ACM The UK and Ireland Computing EducationResearch Conference

Steering Committee: micro:bit Live Conference (2020)

SIGCSE: Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education

ACM: Professional Member

CESI: Computers in Education Society of Ireland

NCCA: Towards the Digital Technology aspect of the Primary School Curriculum (Understanding Strand).

NCCA: Leaving Certificate Computer Science Python Video Tutorials (Available here)

NCCA: Leaving Certificate Computer Science Micro:bit Video Tutorials (Available here)

NCCA: Leaving Certificate Computer Science ALT1 Interactive Information Systems Video Tutorials (Available here)

FESS: Further Education CPD (Software Development, Mobile Applications)
Research Groups:

CSinc - Computer Science Inclusive

Keith is a co-project lead at CSinc, which is a TU Dublin national research project. CSinc (Computer Science Inclusive). Approaches that promote inclusivity are a priority for the CSinc team. The CSinc team want to reach all types of schools, school levels and locations. The inclusive in CSinc means that if you are a rural school in Connemara to a local school in Dublin, we would like to work with you. In addition CSinc also work closely with K-12 teachers, developing PD and resources for formal and informal curricula.

CSER - Computer Science Education Research Group

The Computer Science Education Research (CSER) group is interested in all aspects of CS Education including: First Year Experience, Large Group Teaching, Diversity, Authentic Assessment, Inclusive Teaching, Novel Teaching Techniques, Retention and Recruitment.

Our goal is to enable ourselves and other interested researchers to embrace and improve their educational research methods and raise expectations and understanding of the importance of this type of research within the greater computing community. The Computer Science Education Research Group hold regular meetings where we design and discuss research projects related to current activities in CS education.

Smart Cities Research Group

This research pursues applied research activities in partnership with other R&D centres, companies and municipal and regional authorities aiming at testing, applying and deploying technological solution on the framework of intelligent systems, to the improvement of the populations living quality and skills improvement. Some interventions may include: Environmental monitoring systems, Social and behaviour information and collecting systems, Urban and industrial control and forecasting dynamical models; Analytical decision support systems, intelligent power grids, Renewable energy sources integration and optimization, Power sustainability and Environmental impact reduction.